Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Today Was a Good Day!

When a seven year old student who came to you in August not talking, having meltdowns more than twice a day, and couldn't string words together to form a cohesive thought, ends up smiling all day? Not only today but two days in a row? It makes a good...no...GREAT day. My SPED coordinator and I shared some joyful tears over this beautiful girl today, so proud of how far she has come. I will miss this girl more than most...and I miss my students when they move on, big time!

I've been thinking about this "goodbye" for the past couple days. It's going to be a tough one. I want to do it at the perfect time, but when is the perfect time to tell 28 little minds that we will never see one another again? How do I tell a little girl who has changed my life, and I like to think I've made a huge impact on hers...that I won't be around for her next year? I'm struggling with these thoughts. I've never made a connection with kids the way I have here the past two years. I know I will in the future...kids are obviously my life. But this is one goodbye I am not ready for. Nor do I think I ever will be...

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Home Brewed Ice Coffee...

Ya kinda need it in the desert.

Leaving is kinda setting in. I'm really going to miss the ones I've grown close to. I'm going to miss the mountains when I walk out the door and my weekends spent with unexpected good friends. I'll miss beautiful sunsets and venting sessions with my Godmother. I hope to visit at least twice a year. This place had inspired me to do so much with my life, and not limit it to what it is. What I've done.

Quite a few people will be left with a piece of my heart and I am ok with that :) that's life. People come and go but their pieces linger on. And hopefully, so does their presence.

Just thinking about missing people here.

Let the craziness begin!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Funny, The Way It Is...

How people come and go. Opportunities come to pass. How we grow from the chances and risks we take. And then...ever so suddenly, we are ready to move on. Take another giant leap and only hope for the best...

I lie here, on MY couch, in MY apartment, realizing these are the last two months I will actually live in a place I have wanted to live in since I started visiting my aunt out here. Mission: Accomplished. A dream to check off my list. And from it, a realization of never wanting to live too far from home again. Venture? Yes! I plan on vacations abroad in the near future. But, for a brief moment in time, I truly believed I could bring and settle my heart in the desert. However, obviously not so. My heart, my future dreams, my aspirations lie ahead in Philadelphia. Close to family, close to friends, close to home.

I can't help but think that my past has been brought back into my life to help me make my decision in moving back. The past wasn't meant to work out - that's why it's the past. I am thankful, though, for what it has made me realize. It is time to move on.

So, again...here I lie. Thankful for my past. Hopeful for my future. And looking forward to the steps I will be taking all too soon - paving my own path of success, adventure, happiness, and love. Here's to uncertainty...here's to life :)


"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take."

Thanks, Mr. Gretzky - I am willing to miss, but only if I give it my all and am able to walk away saying so!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

News Flash: You are not even decent at what you do!

I'm way too annoyed to even blog cohesive thoughts right now.

Right now...I feel like the little engine that could, "I think I can. I think I can. I think I can." With only one stipulation...at some point, in the next 5 months - some snob will get a piece of my mind. It will be at that point that they wish they NEVER crossed my path. They will soon discover that you don't mess with a woman and her passion for teaching, her students, and her good will. Good luck to you, sir or madam - you are going to need it.


Conferences Are Good For My Teaching Ego

I find it amusing that this is my most challenging year teaching, and yet, I still get great feedback from parents while conferencing about their children. Believe me, I, in no way, shape or form, think I am a perfect teacher or the best there is - I just enjoy knowing I am still doing my job well even with all the obstacles I've had to overcome this year. It means the world to know that my students enjoy school, even though I "run a tight ship".

In other news, as I was planning for the 2nd semester - I realized how quickly the rest of this year is going to go by! I am stoked :) I'm going to keep myself busy here, work hard, play hard, and sleep harder to pass the time.

Why am I watching Full House?

Why is Zack Morris' voice on a TurboTax commercial?

Why am I not getting ready for work...

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Honeymoon Period is Over!

So much has changed since moving out here - not to mention NEVER having the time to blog! However, it is my out...how I vent without really saying anything - putting words to "paper" takes a huge weight off my shoulders. Let me catch you up with a long story short:

After my "promotion" - I started a lot of curriculum development and research. I had next to NO time last year to do anything especially after my 60 mile drive every day and after leaving work around 7 pm every night...but, I managed to make a couple good friends - one's that I can trust, in work and outside of work. That made things bearable here, but it's not enough to keep me.

This year - true colors were revealed. I'm disappointed on so many levels, but am doing everything I can to be at the top of my game and do what I do best - teach. The school sent me to Europe this summer to study Shakespeare, which was amazing! They obviously see a lot in me and my dedication to teaching, which I hope to bring back to the east coast...

And so, I've said it...I revealed my plan. I want to be back home - I tried to make this place my home...but I realized I was crazy in even thinking I could make a place my home without my family and friends. Family and friends equal home, not where I am. It gets so unbelievably painful here at times...but Audrey gets me through it - and it's only 5 months before I'm back. It flies while teaching :)

I have so many good things going on in NJ - a promising job, my family, my friends, and good things ;)

For now, I'm here...working hard, teaching my kiddos, keeping my pup company (or maybe it's the other way around), and getting my head straight before coming home. I should also have some fun visitors to break up the 5 month wait - so, I'm stoked.

Sorry, Arizona - I thought I could do this, but as it turns out...family and friends conquer all things :)

I hope to blog...at least three times a week - hopefully my ventings will get good and entertain the masses :)
